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Return pocket money to a healthy future of children
Where does your kids’ pocket money go? For the most part we imagine it is used for toys, snacks, and, movies. But did you know that, too often, kids spend their pocket money on cigarettes? In China, the cost of their first cigarette can be less than 0.3RMB (purchased by stick), easily afforded by a kid. And it’s having an insidious effect: Amongst 13-15 year olds, 82.3% of students first tried smoking by the age of 13. And for every 10 male middle school students, one is already a regular smoker. Tobacco companies view this as a market opportunity, investing heavily to market their products to China’s youth.
There is an easy solution.
We know from international experience that one of the most effective ways to cut youth smoking is to raise the retail price. Young people are two to three times more sensitive to tax and price increases than adults, which means that higher tobacco taxes are highly effective to preventing youth from developing a lifelong addiction.
Today the WHO Collaborating Centre on Tobacco and Economics at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing published a survey on Chinese attitudes to tobacco price, tax, and youth smoking. More than 80% interviewees reported their concerns about youth smoking rates.
“In countries such as diverse as the U.S., South Africa, Philippines, Republic of Korea, and Chile, we have seen reductions in youth smoking rates following substantial tobacco tax increases. Given that cigarettes are so cheap in China, and if we want to keep our kids from starting to smoke, a substantial increase of tobacco tax and price is a must. We need to make cigarettes less affordable especially to our younger more vulnerable populations.”
-- Mr Kelvin Khow, the technical officer of Tobacco Free Initiative in WHO China
Such conclusions are supported by survey respondents. Nearly 80% indicated that cigarette prices would have to at least double to 20RMB/pack (currently it averages at around 10RMB/pack) to effectively prevent youth from taking up their first cigarette. In addition, a vast majority of respondents (82%) agreed that the increased revenues collected through a higher tobacco tax should be used to improve people's livelihood, including public health. The last tobacco tax increase in May 2015 led to a slight rise in the retail price of cigarettes. However, cigarettes are still incredibly cheap in China – which means they become more affordable over time unless there are further, regular tax increases. Echoing the survey respondents, China’s tobacco control champions are pushing for regular increases on tobacco tax and price, indexed against inflation. The extra revenue should be reserved for tobacco control and other public health priorities.
If we want to ensure a healthy future for our kids, and in order to realize the ambitious vision of Healthy China 2030, we need to ensure that such a deadly product like tobacco remains out of reach and unaffordable to our kids. Let’s make the dream of a tobacco-free next generation come true!
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