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胸腺法新(thymalfasin):又叫胸腺肽α1,是由胸腺素组分 5(TF-5) 中分离纯化分离出的一种小分子生物活性多肽,具有较高的免疫增强活性。

Placebo: 安慰剂
Thymosinalpha 1:胸腺法新
Mos: 月
Responserate:定义为在12 个月随访时 HBV DNA 和 HBeAg 阴性的受试者的百分比
建议剂量:当用作单一疗法或与干扰素联合使用时,用于慢性乙型肝炎的ZADAXIN(胸腺嘧啶)的推荐剂量为1.6mg(900μg/m2),每周两次皮下给药,持续6至12个月。体重小于40 kg 的患者应接受40 μg/kg 的胸腺法新剂量。
Thymosinalpha 1:胸腺法新
Qd: 一日一次
Mos: 月
Responserate:定义为在12 个月随访时 HBV DNA 和 HBeAg 阴性的受试者的百分比
Thymosinalpha 1:胸腺法新
Ifosfamide: 异环磷酰胺
Mos: 月
Responserate:定义为在12 个月随访时 HBV DNA 和 HBeAg 阴性的受试者的百分比
TACE: 一种破坏肿瘤的技术,其中将管子引导到肿瘤的动脉血液供应中,并引入药物,肌肉碎片或合成球体以阻塞动脉。
Follow- up:随访
建议剂量:用于癌症的日达仙(ZADAXIN)的推荐剂量为1.6mg(900μg/ m2),皮下注射6个月,或在治疗期间在化疗周期之间给予。
1. Mutchnick, M.G., Cummings, G.D.,Hoofnagle, J.H., and D.A. Shafritz (1992) Thymosin: An innovativeapproach to the treatment of chronic hepatitis B, in Combinationtherapies BiologicalResponse Modifiers in the Treatment ofCancer and Infectious Diseases, A.L Goldstein and E. Garaci, Editors. PlenumPublishing Corp: New York. p. 149-156
2. Mutchnick, M.G., Lindsay, K.L.,Schiff, E.R., Cummings, G.D., and H.D. Appelman (1995) Thymosin alpha 1treatment of chronic hepatitis B: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlleddouble blind
study Gastroenterology 108(4): p. A1127
3. Lee, S.-D., D.-S. Chen, and Y.-F. Liaw(1997) Multicenter Study of Thymosin Alpha 1 in the Treatment ofChronic Hepatitis B. Data on file.
4. Chien, R.-N., Liaw Y.-F., Chen, T.-C,Yeh, C.-T., and I.-S. Sheen (1998) Efficacy of Thymosin α1 in Patientswith Chronic Hepatitis B: A Randomized, Controlled TrialHepatology 27 (5) May 1998: p.1383-1387.
5. Niedzwiecki, D., Luo, D., Finn, D.S.,Whiting, G.W., Connelly, J.E., Kumashiro, M., Allen, I.E. and S.D. Ross(1997) The efficacy of thymosin alpha 1 in chronic hepatitis B: ameta-analysis, Data on file.
6. Sherman, K.E., Sjogren, M., Greager, R.L.Damiano, M.A., Freeman, S., Lewey, S. Davis, D., Root, S., Weber, F.L., IshakK.G., and Z.D. Goodman (1998) Combination Therapy with Thymosin alpha 1and Interferon for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Infection: ARandomized, Placebo-Controlled Double-Blind Trial, Hepatology 27 (4):p. 1128-1135
7. Rasi, G., DiVirgilio, D., Mutchnick,M.G., Colella, F, Sinibaldi-Vallebona, P., Pierimarchi, P. Balli, B., and E.Garaci (1996) Combination thymosin α1 and lymphoblastoid interferontreatment in chronic hepatitis C, Gut 39: p. 679-683.
8. Moscarella, S ., Buzzelli, G., MontiM., Giannini, C, Careccia, G. Marrochi, E.M., Romanelli, R.G. and A.L. Zignego(1997) Treatment with interferon-alpha and thymosin alpha 1 of naivepatients affected by chronic hepatitis C, in 4th International meetingon HepatitisC Virus and Related Viruses. Kyoto, Japan
9. Sherman, K.E., and S.N. Sherman(1997) Pooled analysis of interferon + thymosin alpha-1 efficacy forthe treatment of chronic hepatitis C. Second International Conferenceon Therapies for ViralHepatitis, Kona, Big Island Hawaii, December15-19: abstract #P50
10. Stefanini, G.F., et al., Alpha-1 thymosin and transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in hepatocellularcarcinoma patients: a preliminary experienceHepatogastroenterology, 1988. 45 (19): p.209-215
11. Schulof, R.S., et al., A randomizedtrial to evaluate the immunorestorative properties of synthetic thymosin alpha1 in patients with lungcancer. Journal of Biological ResponseModifiers 1985 4: p. 147-158
12. Salvati, F, et al., Combinedtreatment with thymosin alpha 1 and low dose interferon-alpha after ifosfamidein non-smallcell lung cancer: a phase II controlledtrial. Anticancer Research 1996 16: p. 1001-1004
13. Rasi, G., Terzoli, E., lzzo, F., etal., Combined treatment with thymosin alpha 1 and low dose nterferon alphaafter dacarbazine in advanced melanoma. Melanoma Research 2000 10: p 189-192
14. Lopez, M, et al., Biochemotherapywith thymosin alpha 1, inteluken-2 and dacarbazine in patients with metastaticmelanoma: clinical and immunological effects. Annals of Oncology 1994 5: p. 741-746.
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